The 8-13 Project, Book 1 (REVISED)
This is a semi-fictional account of a real-life financial fraud case that was referred to by U.S. District Attorney Loretta Lynch as the biggest of its kind in history. While details were altered to protect the identities of the people involved, the events have been written as they happened. Book 1 contains interviews, stories, and accounts of these proceedings recounted by individuals who were instrumental to the crime. It is worth noting that the author has direct, personal relationships with several of the people involved in this historically significant financial event. Also, to another figure central to the book, a criminal mastermind, and wanted fugitive sought after by several international law enforcement agencies. In this volume, the author creatively explores methods of manipulation, deception and power dynamics that are pervasive and important to the criminal underground. Law enforcement and government corruption are also factors that the author must consider to make sense of a larger, more sinister criminal empire whose endgame benefits from this financial misconduct. The book also briefly offers a fresh and different perspective on learning from criminal strategies. It provides a framework of personal development that while taken form the study of lawbreakers can be adapted to pursuing socially responsible outcomes.
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SKU: 813B1
50 Grams
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